Coming from Elsewhere: Writing Journeys: A Workshop with Vidya Natarajan

November 3, 2019 at 2:00pm

Join us for Words Festival for "Coming from Elsewhere: Writing Journeys," a workshop for beginner and experienced writers facilitated by Vidya Natarajan.

"Coming from Elsewhere: Writing Journeys"

Vidya Natarajan

3 November 2019, 2pm

Museum London, Centre at the Forks North

Many non-Indigenous Canadians can trace, in their own lives or in their family histories, the tracks of journeys from elsewhere. First-generation immigrants, when their struggles with making a living and settling in have been resolved, often feel the urge to reflect on and understand their complex identity in their new setting; descendants of immigrants may be curious about their parent's or grandparents' journeys. Memoir or biography can be a powerful way of accepting and working through this moment.

Authors & Presenters

Vidya Natarajan

Vidya Natarajan is a dancer, professor, and author.

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