David Silverberg
David is a spoken word poet, arts educator, workshop leader, artistic director, producer and journalist. He founded Toronto Poetry Slam, one of Canada's largest spoken word events.
He has performed across Canada, including at events such as the Luminato Festival of the Arts, Word on the Street, Words Aloud Poetry Festival in Durham, Vancouver Poetry Slam, Saskatoon Poetry Slam, Throw Poetry Slam in Montreal and many more.
David's debut book of poetry Bags of Wires was published by LyricalMyrical Press in 2007.
His non-fiction work has been published in the Globe & Mail, Toronto Star, Vice, BBC News, BuzzFeed, NOW Magazine, Quilll & Quire, Design Edge, Canadian Jewish News, The Daily Dot, Crixeo, UploadVR, Digital Journal, B2B News Network, High Times, Pharmacy Business, Ryerson Alumni Magazine, Raptors Magazine and many more
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