Susan Wismer
Susan Wismer is a poet, mother, grandmother, gardener, dancer, hiker, activist. A former professor of environmental studies at the University of Waterloo, she has worked with colleagues in Indonesia, India and Northern Canada and with students from many places around the world. She walked the Camino Santiago in 2018 and plans to walk the Bruce Trail which passes close to her home, from start to finish in 2022. The pandemic months have been made much more bearable by her ongoing collaboration with Passionate Heart Dance.
After many hesitations and cancellations, we have been able to present Hand Shadows, a program of dance and poetry in Guelph in November of 2022 and March of 2023, with plans for a performance in Clarksburg, near Collingwood in May of 2022. In September 2020, she was delighted to participate in another collaboration with six local poets on Watermarked, with many thanks to the Town of Collingwood and Collingwood’s Digital Service Squad for their patient and invaluable technical and financial support. (
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