Poetry Live! An Evening of Open Mic Poetry
November 2, 2019 at 8:00pm
Are you a poetry aficionado in London? Join us for Poetry Live!, an evening of open mic poetry at WordsFest London Canada, featuring Tom Cull!
Where: Museum London, Centre at the Forks North
When: 2nd of November, Saturday night, 8pm - 10pm
Cost: FREE and open to all ages
Features poets: Tom Cull
Bring a poem, bring your friends!
Everyone is welcome to join us for an evening of poetry, literary trivia, food and drinks as part of the Words Festival! Over the course of the evening, our host extraordinaire, Tom Cull, will open the floor to poets of all shapes, sizes, and varieties!
When you arrive at Museum London, you can register to read your poetry at the sign-up desk.
Come on down to Words and read your poetry on Saturday night!
This event is held in partnership with London Poetry Slam, London Open Mic Poetry, and Poetry London.